

Mom: Hey Joe, where are you going? Joe: I am going to play football with buddies.

#12 Air pollution is a fatality

Dad: Philip come over, bring me the brush please. Philip: Oh Dad, are you repainting the wall? That’s a strong smell!

#11 Masks are an effective way to protect against pollution

Chris: Hi Roger, long time no see! I heard you moved to the countryside. Roger: Hey Chris, that’s right. I moved there almost one year ago!!

#10 I got plenty of greens here, I got Good Air!

Kid: Dad, vaccines usually carry germ to train our body to build antibodies, right? In the same way, breathing polluted air could help us adapt to it. Dad: Humm!!! This works for bacteria and virus, but not with air pollution.

#9 Air Pollution IMMUNITY

John: Hey Derek, thanks for inviting us to your home. Derek: No worries, please come in, it is so cold outside!

#8 I burn essential oils for a nice atmosphere

Tom: Oh no! Let’s close the windows and doors and boost the air purifier! John: Hey Tom, what’s happening?

#7 Beware of the (pollution) spike!

Peter: Hi Jennifer, I heard that you moved into a new flat! Congratulations! Jennifer: Thanks Peter! But we are still setting up the space. Do you have a good air purifier to recommend to me?

#6 I must have a good air purifier at home

Student: Miss, we got smog outside today, can we close the windows to have better air? Miss: Yes, of course. But how do you know it is better after you close the windows?

#5 Stay INDOOR to get rid of Air Pollution

Joyce: Good morning Tim, why are you wearing a mask today? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need a sick leave? Tim: Good morning Joyce, I'm very fine. These days have severe air pollution.

#4 Air pollution is not a big issue

Tom: Hey, I brought a cute air quality monitor. Let’s plug it in the living room and check the situation. Mom: WHAT?! Why did you buy this? That’s a total waste. I already have an app to know the air quality.

#3 I know how the air quality is at my place from the app

Roger: Hi Suzana, I heard that you are working on air-pollution-related projects. Suzana: Hi Roger, yes. Got some issues with air pollution?

#2 Buying an air monitor for less than € 100 online.

#1 Reduce Covid Risk, With Safer Air

Happy New Year 2022

As 2022 starts, I would like to wish you a fantastic new year. I am very optimistic for the future, after those 2 bumpy years. […]

Safe Air in Schools

Meo mini ensures air safety in the premises, with alerts as soon as problems arise, and dedicated advice to remediate.

Tic Toc …

Tic Toc … It’s not a typo when referring to the “Tik Tok” app. It’s the French way to name the clock ticking, and time […]

More than a monitor, an air quality safety system

Meo air analytics newest monitor “mini-meo” ensures air safety in the premises, with alerts and dedicated advice on air quality.

Subways: Concerning Air Quality, but Solutions are Available

As many go back to office work and commute, air quality in subways comes to the fore of our concerns. But solutions are available.

Simple Measures Can go a Long Way in School Air Quality

Air quality in schools can be achieved combining simple measures to reduce air concentration and increasing dilution of pathogens or pollutants.

Unexpected Air Quality During this Pandemic

Air quality during the year 2020 was not a straightforward situation, many complexities were uncovered and can help improve regulations.

Breathe better, increase your productivity!

A close link between air quality and productivity are the basis for green buildings and better indoor air management.

The Air We Breathe and Its Secret Path To The Brain

The air we breathe has a direct path to our brain through our olfactory system, and may cause irreparable damage.

VitaminB-helps-the body-from-air-pollution-meoairanalytics

Healthy TIPS: With a little help from Vitamin B

In a previous blog-post we talked about protecting our health from within and stressed the need to consume vitamin C, E, Beta-carotene and Omega3 which […]

School’s Indoor Air Quality

Air quality in schools is important for children, staff and teachers to be safe and active. Air analytics are important to keep monitoring.

Is Air Pollution Changing our Gut Microbiota?

Being careful about what we eat and drink can take us a long way in protecting our gut microbiota from air pollution.

Trying to sleep but you cannot?

Bad air quality affects your sleep. It is a good idea to monitor your bedroom air quality. Air analytics can be of great help.

ASTHMATIC? Air pollution might be making it worse

Air pollution is a trigger for asthma attacks. Its important to know the facts and how to avoid this trigger.

Let’s help our body fight pollution: 4 nutrients not to miss!

Worried about air pollution? Wondering what else could be done? Today’s tip is on optimal nutrition to help your body fight air pollution. Research has […]

Air quality in health centres and hospitals

TIPS for beautiful hair in times of bad pollution

Take care of your hair during high air pollution days. Believe it or not, your hair breathes. Eat well and have a healthy hair routine.

Air Quality Monitoring: Food Industry

Air monitoring in food industries can help keep track of employee health hazards at work and to make sure food produced is safe.

Am I Exposed to Air Pollution?

Air pollution figures do not fully represent your personal air quality exposure. Know the differences and understand your personal exposure.

Mom: Comment vas-tu Sandra ? Sandra: Je vais jouer au football avec mes copains.

#12 On ne peut rien faire contre la pollution de l’air

Dad: Philippe, peux-tu me passer le rouleau de peinture stp ? Philip: Oui papa, tu repeins l’entrée ? Ça sent fort !

#11 Masque ou masquerade ?

Paul: Bonjour Marc, ça fait un bail! Tu t’es mis au vert ? Marc: Salut Paul, oui. J’ai déménagé il y a bientôt 1 an !

#10 Le bon air de la campagne !

Kid: Papa, les vaccins utilisent les des virus fatigués pour que le corps s’y prépare, n’est-ce pas ? Peut-on faire de même pour la pollution de l’air ? Dad: Ça fonctionne bien pour les virus ou les bactéries. Pas pour la pollution.

#9 S’immuniser contre la pollution de l’air

John: Bonjour Patrick, merci de nous recevoir chez vous.. Derek: Rentrez vite ! Il fait froid dehors.

#8 Je brûle des bougies parfumées pour une ambiance zen

Tom: Zut ! Fermons les fenêtres et mettons le purificateur en marche forcée. John: Que se passe t-il ?

#7 J’ai eu un pic de pollution chez moi. Que faire ?

Pierre: Bonjour Jeanne. Tu as récemment déménagé ? Jeanne: Oui, et il y a encore beaucoup à faire. Peux-tu me conseiller pour un bon purificateur d’air ?

#6 Je veux un purificateur d’air

Student: Madame, pouvons- nous fermer les fenêtres ? L’air semble pollué à l’extérieur. Miss: Oui, on peut. Mais comment savez-vous que c’est mieux à l’intérieur ?

#5 Protégeons-nous de la pollution en restant à l’intérieur

Isabelle : Bonjour Jérôme, tu portes un masque. Tu es enrhumée ? Ou tu ne te sens pas en forme ? Jérôme : Bonjour Isabelle. Je vais bien. C’est à cause de la pollution de l’air.

#4 La pollution de l’air, ça n’est pas grave

Tom: Regarde, je t’ai amené un moniteur de qualité de l’air. Je vais le brancher et voyons ce qu’il nous dit. Mom: Comment ? Pourquoi en as-tu acheté un ? C’est complètement inutile. J’ai une app pour connaître la qualité de l’air ici..

#3 Je sais si l’air que je respire est mauvais

Fred: Bonjour Géraldine, Comment vas-tu ? Il parait que tu travailles sur la pollution de l’air ? Géraldine: Bonjour Fred, oui. Aurais-tu des soucis sur le sujet ?

#2 Acheter un moniteur d’air à moins de € 100 sur internet.

#1 Réduire le risque covid, avec un air sain

Une excellente année 2022 en perspective

En ce début d’année, je vous souhaite une excellente année 2022. Je suis très optimiste pour le futur, après ces 2 dernières années mouvementées que […]

The Power of Plants: Cleaning Your Indoor Air Environment

Plants can help you cleanse indoor air. Some plants can even filter volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde, xylene, benzene etc.

Common Tips To Protect Yourself: Your Air Pollution Footprint

Many of our daily activities leave an air pollution footprint. Simple tips can help us reduce it and put our grain of salt.

Thoughts for clean air on in our offices

Sources: EPA – Introduction to Indoor Air Quality Indoor Air (Official journal of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate) – Communicating the health effects of indoor exposure […]

Crazy for a cruise holiday? Let’s talk air quality

A cruise is one of the most sought-after holiday destinations. The Caribbean, Mediterranean, Alaska, northern Europe and some areas in Asia have the largest array […]

Architecture and Air Pollution

Architecture can have a positive impact to reduce air pollution. The key is air analytics.

When global problems affect your local air

Global environmental problems are connected to bad air quality near you and have a consequence in your own health.

Economic growth vs. Environmental policies?

A thought provoking discussion: environmental policy vs. economic growth.

Strokes and What We Breathe

When we think about the health effects of air pollution, our immediate thought goes to our lungs. But the silent threat of poor air quality […]

Common Tips To Protect Yourself From Air Pollution

Ten simple tips to protect yourself from air pollution both indoor and outdoors, make it part of your routine.