Author: Yiu Fung YIP
#2 Buying an air monitor for less than € 100 online.
#1 Réduire le risque covid, avec un air sain
#1 Reduce Covid Risk, With Safer Air
Une excellente année 2022 en perspective
En ce début d’année, je vous souhaite une excellente année 2022. Je suis très optimiste pour le futur, après ces 2 dernières années mouvementées que nous avons passées.
La crise sanitaire est omniprésente et nous fait repenser toutes nos habitudes. La logistique des personnes et des marchandises subissent désormais de nouvelles pressions. L’idée de potentiellement avoir n’importe quel objet, très rapidement, et à faible coût, nous induisait en erreur, en nous laissant penser que cela n’avait qu’un faible impact sur les ressources de notre planète.
La loi anti-gaspillage en France, est un exemple de la prise de conscience globale de notre impact sur la planète. Limiter l’usage du plastique à usage unique est une étape nécessaire. D’autres initiatives suivent. Elles contribuent à la neutralité carbone, et impacteront positivement la vie de nos enfants …
Cet avenir, nous le construisons maintenant, avec nos choix.
L’année 2021 a été particulièrement importante pour l’équipe meo grâce à l’atteinte de plusieurs objectifs :
- l’extension de notre base clientèle : Les écoles en France, en Asie, et les entreprises du Fortune 500 dont les 3 grands groupes mondiaux de luxe
- l’inscription de notre 2e offre meo mini au catalogue Exchange de Schneider Electric aux côtés de meo plus.
- la reconnaissance de la technologie de meo par AirParif (ISO 17025) avec la note maximale de 4,5/5, pour la 3e année consécutive, dans son analyse minutieuse de moniteurs provenant du monde entier : lien
- la mise en place de la nouvelle plateforme meo-cloud fondée sur FROST-Server, en accord avec le standard OGC SensorThings recommandé par la directive européenne INSPIRE
- notre dernotre dernier-né meo mini, moniteur de CO2 pour réduire le risque Covid dans les écoles et les bureaux. Il se connecte tout seul, à son réseau cellulaire LTE-M grâce à sa carte sim embarquée.
- les tableaux de bord et les alertes qui informent quand et combien de temps aérer des espaces surveillés. Les tableaux de bord pour rassurer les occupants, nativement pour toute taille d’écran.
- la contribution de meo mini àla contribution de meo mini à une meilleure gestion des bâtiments grâce au “Digital Twin”
- la création de la filiale française meo air analytics, immatriculée au RCS de Paris, produit les meo mini en France.
On parle beaucoup de moniteurs, car ils deviennent un moyen simple de limiter le risque Covid*. Sont-ils tous équivalents ? Il y a en fait 2 attitudes lorsque vous achetez des moniteurs. Que souhaitez-vous faire ?
Communiquer sur le nombre de moniteurs déployés ?
> N’attendez pas grand chose des moniteurs de CO2 sans historique, ni recalibration
Communiquer sur l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air pour les utilisateurs ?
> Choisissez meo mini, pour ses historiques complets, ses analyses, et ses tableaux de bord
* La mesure du CO2 permet d’évaluer le niveau de ventilation en fonction du nombre de personnes dans une pièce.
Besoin de réduire le risque Covid ? Parlons-en, et avançons !
Happy New Year 2022
As 2022 starts, I would like to wish you a fantastic new year. I am very optimistic for the future, after those 2 bumpy years.
Covid crisis is affecting everybody. It is reshaping all of our ways of living. Supply chain is under pressure and logistics is quite rough: travels are subject to inbound/outbound countries regulations with sudden outbreaks, when goods have delays because of container shortage causing increased cost. The idea of potentially getting anything you want, quickly, cheaply, doesn’t factor in all the pressure on our planet’s resources.
The anti-waste law in France is one example of the action taken by the French government to tackle one the ever-growing issue of single use plastic. More initiatives and laws are coming in favor of carbon neutrality, which will positively affect our childrens’ future.
We build this future now, with all our decisions and achievements.
In this regard, meo team has achieved key milestones in 2021:
- Growth of our customer base: schools and Fortune 500 companies including the 3 global luxury groups
- Integration of our 2nd offer meo mini in Schneider Electric Exchange catalog
- Highest score of 4.5/5 for our technology by AirParif ISO 17025 lab, during 3 consecutive years: link
- The new meo-cloud setup based on FROST-Server, compliant to OGC SensorThings, recommended by the INSPIRE european standard
- Our latest product meo mini most advanced CO2 monitor on the market, to fight Covid risk in schools and offices. Thanks to its LTE-M cellular connectivity with onboard provided sim for selected regions.
- Provided dashboards and alerts tell when, and how long ventilation of each surveyed space is needed. Then it’s easy to communicate on any screen size about safe spaces provided to occupants.
- Far beyond a simple monitor, meo mini contributes to the “Digital Twin” for better building management
- French entity meo air analytics was created early 2021 to cater to French and European needs, which manufactures meo mini in France.
As there is a lot of buzz about air quality monitors, as it’s an easy way to limit viral propagation*, Covid included. There are 2 ways of looking at it, once you have CO2 monitors. Which one would be yours?
Communicate on the number of purchased monitors?
> Have low expectation with short-lasting CO2 monitor
Communicate on air quality improvement for occupants?
> Go for meo mini: full history and analysis available on any browser
Do you need to communicate how safe your spaces are? Let’s make it a reality, and move forward.
* Measuring CO2 is a key tool in managing ventilation level relative to the people in a room.
Tic Toc …
Tic Toc … It’s not a typo when referring to the “Tik Tok” app. It’s the French way to name the clock ticking, and time passing.
After 14 years in Hong Kong, it’s time for me and my family to move back to France.
Hong Kong is ✨magic!
We need to keep in mind that living in Hong Kong is a privilege. Hong Kong fosters successes (6 Ss) with:
- Safety: wherever you go, you feel safe. Even at 2am, in a dark alley
- Sunlight: 360 days out of 365, you get a massive sunlight bath, boosting your mood
- Sanity: your nanny is taking care of your kids and your home
- Spectacular: white sand beaches, and scenic hikes are less than 30 min away
- Service: your network/utility service provider comes to your place when needed
- Shopping: most of shops (grocery as well as luxury) are opened 7 days a week
Hong Kong is making our life so easy, we don’t want our ?kids to feel this is standard around the world. Because it simply isn’t the world standard. They need to feel how the real world feels like and get to appreciate it.
Supporting new ?ventures
Hong Kong was a great place for me to transition from my trading roles at Société Générale to my personal quest for cleaner air that morphed into meo. I got back to my electronic studies and soldering iron to design the 1st hardware with its embarked software. I worked with Pierre, CTO, who designed the cloud software side, with security, privacy and scalability in mind. From working in a corner of my bedroom to different offices in Sheung Wan, then in Soho.
Last September, we were selected by Hong Kong Science and Technology Park #HKSTP at the heart of the Greater Bay Area. So we moved our office to the ?“Material and Precision Engineering” cluster.
Hong Kong office will keep the responsibility of:
- Asian business development
- Monitors design
- Asian manufacturing
Meo Asian business will be supervised by Michael Horman, former Partner at Baker McKenzie. Michael has been involved in meo daily activities for the last 3 years. Michael will oversee meo business development in Asia, with the support of the current local team.
Expanding to Europe
Demand for cleaner air is increasing. This is a direct effect of ?Covid making the air we breathe a major focus.
Meo decided to #ChooseFrance for its Paris office, and answer the regional demand:
- European business development
- Artificial Intelligence for advice
- French manufacturing
Safe air in ?schools!
How to reduce the covid risk in schools and office space?
We are launching “mini-meo” to answer this, with simple installation:
- using meo technology, qualified by the biggest European metrology lab #AirParif
- equipped with a 4G ?sim card: no network configuration required
- showing beautiful dashboards and sending alerts
Hong Kong – Paris – Washington
Michael ( is based in Hong Kong.
I ( will be based near Paris.
Maria ( is based in Washington. She handles the communication globally.
Do not hesitate to contact us about air quality in your school, office or retail space.
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